
Color is a crucial factor in highlighting our brand and brings a consistency across our products.

Primary color palette

These colors represent the base of our color system.

Pink 700


Blue 700


Purple 700




Full range of color

The following color range is used to provide additional depth to the Pavilion brand. Some tints are simply meant to provide flexibility for elements like illustration, hover states, etc. while others play more critical roles as background swaths, header colors, etc.

Brand pink

100 | #FEF9F9

200 | #FFEDF2

300 | #FFD0DD

400 | #FEB1BF

500 | #FF768F

600 | #F14972

700 | #DF285B

800 | #BB1C48

900 | #920E32

Brand blue

100 | #EDEAFF

200 | #CEC6F4

300 | #998BDF

400 | #6D59CF

500 | #432CAE

600 | #2B1887

700 | #180A5C

800 | #0D0339

900 | #080122

Brand purple

100 | #FDF5FF

200 | #F4E0FA

300 | #DEB0EB

400 | #C57FD9

500 | #A34CBB

600 | #7F2A97

700 | #59146C

800 | #3E044F

900 | #250030

Gray scale

100 | #f5f5f5

200 | #EFEFEF

300 | #CCCCCC

400 | #a3a3a3

500 | #717171

600 | #525252

700 | #404040

800 | #262626

900 | #1A1A25

Background colors

While we have an extensive color palette, not all are suitable for background colors. Please use the following guide to ensure brand consistency. 

Note: White is our primary background color and should be used to drive our clean brand aesthetic when possible. 


Our primary brand color, pink, is the main color used for backgrounds through out the site. Specifically, the Pink 100 & 200 as they provide sufficient color contrast with a significant number of darker brand colors.

100 | #FEF9F9

200 | #FFEDF2

700 | #DF285B


Blue 600 & 700 are primary background colors throughout the Pavilion brand. These two colors have a high degree of contrast and can be used in a multitude of ways.

600 | #2B1887

700 | #180A5C


Used in very select areas and not a main brand background color. For example, our Community page uses purple as a hero background color to help distinguish it from our other main nav items. However, purple is not the color of community.

600 | #7F2A97

700 | #59146C

Typographic colors

Similar to background colors, we do not use our full color palette when highlighting typography. This ensures accessibility standards are met while maintaining brand consistency. If you have any questions, please reach out to the creative team.

Text on a specific background colors.

Not all colors are suitable for certain background types. Use this guide as a rule of thumb when creating designs that requires specific background colors. 

Pink 100

Headline text: Blue 600

Paragraph text: Gray 700

Pink 200 

Headline text: Blue 600

Paragraph text: Gray 700

Pink 700

Headline text: White

Paragraph text: White

Blue 600

Headline text: White | Pink 400 (secondary)

Paragraph text: White

Blue 700

Headline text: White | Pink 400 (secondary)

Paragraph text: White

Purple 600

Headline text: White | Pink 400 (secondary)

Paragraph text: White

Purple 700

Headline text: White | Pink 400 (secondary)

Paragraph text: White

Iconography on a specific background colors.

Similar to text colors, we want to achieve a specific brand aesthetic when using iconography across our brand. Below is a representation of iconography on various background colors. 

Icons used on a light background: White, Pink 100, and Pink 200

For icons on a "light background" like White, Pink 100, and Pink 200, use the Pink and Blue versions of our icons as seen below. 


For icons on a "dark background" like Pink 700, Blue 600, Blue 700, Purple 600 and Purple 700, use the Light Pink version of our icons as seen below. 


Accessibility in color

We comply with WCAG AA standard contrast ratios:

  • Must pass 3:1 contrast: Any UI essential to understanding the experience and text 24px or larger (WCAG 1.4.11)

  • Must pass 4.5:1: Text smaller than 24px (WCAG 1.4.3)

See our color accessibility guidance for more information on specific usage guidelines.