
Currently we use a single font system and rely on various weights, sizes, and color to create visual hierarchy. Poppins, an open source Google Font, comes in many weights and sizes. We don't utilize them all but we are consistent in our usage. 

Body text

When using body copy across the site, it's important to consider its placement, header pairing, and importance in order to utilize the correct size. 

Body - Large

Used when pared with Headlines XXL and larger. Thise body copy size will hold up in headlines but should never be used for more than two sentences. 

Size: 20px

Line-height: 28px

Letter Spacing: 0px

Body - Medium (default)

This is your every day body copy used for most instances and long form copy. Do not pare this copy size with Headline XXL or larger as it will be visually overpowered.

Size: 16px

Line-height: 24px

Letter Spacing: 0px

Body - Small (caption)

Our smallest body copy size is only used in circumstances where space may be incredibly limited or something needs to be annotated, such as an image caption. 

Size: 14px

Line-height: 20px

Letter Spacing: 0px


Typographic hierarchy is critical to a well designed layout. In order to achieve optimal flexibility and range, we have created a t-shirt sizing chart for our headlines. 

Headline XXXXL

Utilized to display only the most important messages on key pages or bold graphics.

Size: 120px

Line-height: 136px

Letter Spacing: .75px

Headline XXXL

Utilized to display short headlines on key or top level web pages. It can also be used in layout for short, significant headlines.

Size: 96px

Line-height: 100px

Letter Spacing: .75px

Headline XXL

Utilized to display short headlines on key or top level web pages. It can also be used in layout for short, significant headlines and a primary h1 style..

Size: 72px

Line-height: 74px

Letter Spacing: .75px

Headline XL

Used in layout for short, significant headlines.

Size: 48px

Line-height: 56px

Letter Spacing: .75px

Headline L

Used in layout for section titles and short headlines. A primary headline style for h2 tags.

Size: 40px

Line-height: 48px

Letter Spacing: .75px

Headline M

Used in layout for section titles and headlines. A secondary headline style for h2 tags.

Size: 32px

Line-height: 40px

Letter Spacing: .5px

Headline s

Used in layout for headlines. A primary headline style for h3 tags.

Size: 24px

Line-height: 32px

Letter Spacing: .375px

Headline XS

Primarily used in mobile styling and smaller, less prominent headlines.

Size: 20px

Line-height: 24px

Letter Spacing: .25px

Headline XXS

Primarily used in mobile styling and smaller, less prominant headlines. Also of note, this headline should always be paired with Body Small.

Size: 18px

Line-height: 20px

Letter Spacing: .25px

In practice

When using this typographic guide in templates or print collateral, refer to the above sizing guides. When creating code based designs within our website, we have created a simple "T-Shirt" size class naming structure to follow. This allows for maximum flexibility in the design and accessibility standers. 

eg. <h2 class="headline-xxl"> or <p class="body-l">